Google Skeetron Liberty: December 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

God's Angels Shall Kick "Treasonous Government Bitch Boys" Ass!

Dear World,
Thou as I walk through the government tyranny of death I shall fear no evil. Thou children of God are blessed among thou. Fear not as the children of God shall strike the "Light" that shall end all darkness. God's soldiers are there to guide thee and protect thee. Stand with thou "Light" that shall blind the evils of darkness. Walk among the "Light as One" into a new world soul of God's "One Love".


God is the "One Love" of  God's "We the people" of God's World. Run Treasonous Government Bitch Boys Run!  May God stick his boot up your evil asses on your way out!  Skeetron

Saturday, December 18, 2010

United States Government Spends Millions to Uncover Unprotected Penis of WikiLeaks

Dear World,
"We the people" of America are not our government!
The United States government has become treasonous to all of humanity. Please help "We the people" of America to prevent those treasonous within the United States government from murdering the lives of all the children of all the worlds. "We the people" of America are one with "We the people" of the world. Together we shall overcome. God has written within the "Constitution of the United States" our "God Given Duty" to resist the evils that surrounds us all.  It is our "God Given Duty" to destroy the "Beast" and preserve the humanity of God. The name of the "Beast" upon us all is "The Treasonous United States Government". They no longer represent "We the people" of America and definitely are not for the people. The United States government is the "Bitch" of their "Beast-Masters" in "The New World Order" and world banking. Please do not allow this "Beast" to murder your humanity or the humanity of thy brother. God has given us the wisdom within all of God's religions to destroy the "Beast" and restore the light of America and the glory of the world to "One Love".  Love Skeetron.

It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.

The United States Congress approves government treason against all people of all governments while spending millions to cover-up their crimes by uncovering the unprotected penis of WikiLeaks. Hilary Clinton,  the Obama administration, and Congress have conspired with all agencies of the United States government to destroy WikiLeaks and remove "Freedom of Speech" from the world.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Stand With God as "One Love" Against "NWO" Allusion of Power and Control!

Run World Order Bitch Boys Run!

"Love for One for Love for All for Love for One Love". Skeetron

Dear Karen,
Thanks for the "You Tube" video (Below) of the Hallelujah Chorus. Blowing you a kiss.
This is the greatest form of resistance to the terrorists of tyranny. Standing up for "Love" and awakening the spirit of the soul of humanity is a force the destroyers do not comprehend or are unable to affect. The deadliest and strongest weapon to defend and preserve the "Truth of the Glory of Humanity" is the most powerful God has bestowed upon his family.
"The Sword of God is "Love"!
Love Skeetron


Friday, December 3, 2010

Treasonous United States Government Terrorizes Google and Free Speech for New World Order Global Terrorism!

Dear Google,
Please do not allow those treasonous within the United States government to remove our last "Truths" of Freedom of Speech. Stand with "We the people of the world" to withstand the terrorism upon us all. Google is the last global media of resistance to the tyrants treasonous to God's humanity. Stand with "We the people of the world" as "We the people of the world" stand with Google. May the "Cyber Light" be with you. Love Skeetron.

Google & You Tube Ban Alex Jones