Google Skeetron Liberty

Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama's Bin Laden Popsicle Floats! Hilary Blames Bush for Freezer Burn!

Dear Navy Seals and U.S. Armed Forces,
Thank you for your service in removing the Tyrant of Terrorism Bin Laden from the world in 2002. After ten years your achievement has finally been unclassified. "We the people" of America are in desperate need of your services to rid the United States government of all treason perpetrated against "The Constitution of the United States" by our Federal Officials. Please confide in the few remaining patriots in Congress for direction. Thank you and God Bless the United States Armed Forces. Bring it Home Safe. Love Skeetron. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Skeetron Liberty! Censored by Treasonous U.S. Government for New World Order.

You have now entered a site that classifies you as a Patriotic Terrorist of Liberty and Freedom.
Kiss your ass goodbye or stand and fight with God for Humanity. I shall return as God will show me the way with a little help from my patriotic friends at Google.
Love Skeetron 

Censored with Treasonous Government Spam paid for with your

Monday, April 11, 2011

Join the N.W.O. ENJOY THE MURDER! Again! Hate Thy Neighbor

Dear World,
The Death is upon you. 
The Death is among you.
Are you going to die in your sleep?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Shutdown! Congress Enjoys Howdy Doody Time! Obama and Hilary Spin Their "Dance of Death"

It is better to "Shit in a Bag" with God than to "Reign Evil on the Throne" for Satan. Skeetron.

Dear America,
Your children are starving and our futures are bleak as our Fearless Leaders argue how to spend  money that doesn't really exist. Your rent is pass due and the refrigerator is empty as Hilary declares War on your

Monday, March 28, 2011

Don't Buy Obama Bullshit. Hilary Runs "Death Wars" of Africa for N.W.O.

The Executive branch of the United States government has become treasonous and Congress is afraid to stand against Global Banking Cartel ownership. Tonight Obama will give  the world a  "Song and Dance" and Hilary will smile as the world is propelled into global genocide and war. Their New World Order owners shall be pleased as the wealth and freedom of Africa and the Middle East is forfeited.
Global Bankers shall laugh as Obama and "The Executive

Monday, February 21, 2011

Revolution Must Seize All Oil and Assets of N.W.O. Global Bankers

Dear "Revolutions" of the World,

Your Independence and freedom are upon you. Your military shall rally with you to remove your oppressive tyrant government. You shall become sovereign in a sovereign nation only when a "Constitution" and a Parliamentary Republic of the people is established.

Your new government must stand united with the people and your military as Global Terrorist in Global Banking shall attempt to steal your Independence. These terrorist are of the New World Order and are disguised as the United Nations and representative diplomats of the now treasonous United States government. They wish to exploit and destroy you for their New World Order. They wish to consume the wealth of the entire world and will begin by feasting on the flesh of your Independence.

Beware of  "Hilary the Witch Bearing Gifts" as her soul has been eaten by the demons of

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sheriff of "We the people" Hog Ties Hilary and Federal Bitch Boys

Dear Sheriffs of "We the people",
You are our commander! You are our "Constitutional" Saviour! "We the people" are your militia. Lead us in battle as "We the people" resist the tyranny and oppression of the now treasonous federal government. Command your "Constitutional Minute Man Armies" and repel the aggressions of federal genocide. Be our "George Washington" and declare our sovereign independence. Restore America to greatness and "Hog Tie Hilary". Run Obama back under the rock he came and close the box on "Federal Bitch Boy Terrorism". Lead America again to freedom and restore Liberty to your people. Stand as God's Sheriff of "We the people" and kick ass for America! Skeetron.

Sheriff Mack Power of the County Sheriff Part 1

Sheriff Mack Power of the County Sheriff Part 2

Sheriff Mack Power of the County Sheriff Part 3

Sheriff Mack Power of the County Sheriff Part 4

Sheriff Mack Power of the County Sheriff Part 5

Resist and Stand With God and Sheriff and "Hog Tie Tyranny"

Neptune's Love Palace is the "U.S. Battleship of Love Thy World"

My Fair Lady, 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dear World, Resist and Stand with God! "V for Victory" over Treasonous Washington DC Gestapo Genocide

V for Victory: Latest Entries-1/26/11

Dear God,
Lead us and unite thou legions of Angels to protect thy people of all worlds of "One Love". Strike thou "Light" to the evils of the treasonous tyrants of  government. "Light" thou Angels to burn the devil from the soul of our oppressors. Send thou lightning to exterminate the exterminators. Giveth freedom within the heart and  soul of  thy children. Giveth thou world as thou world thou commands. Giveth thou world forever "One Love". Love Skeetron.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Americans are Sovereign Citizens of their State. Constitutionally Washington DC is your "Bitch"

Sovereign: Complete independence and self governing. A King or Queen. Having supreme rank or power. Paramount; unmitigated.      

Dear Citizens of all States of America,
You are "King and Queen"! 
The Constitution clearly states that all Americans are sovereign. That all sovereign Americans are citizens of their State. That all States are Sovereign. Therefore all Americans are "Kings and Queens" of their lives.That together all State citizens make up a Sovereign State. That all States together make up the Sovereign Nation of the United States of America. Nowhere in the "Constitution" does it state that the Federal government is sovereign or that it has any power or authority unless given through Sovereign State government.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

China Please Take Washington DC and Treasonous United States Government as "Payment in Full" for New World Order Debt!

Dear China,
"We the people" of America are sorry to inform you that Washington DC is not of sovereign America soil. That all debt owed China is the sole debt of  "Corporate Washington DC" and the treasonous impostors occupying  what was the Capitol of the United States. Washington DC has been a "Criminal Financial Holding" of the New World Order since its criminal incorporation by Global Bankers. The treasonous act  of the 14th amendment is a fraud against America and "The Constitution of the United States". The monies borrowed through "The Corporation of the United States" is a fraud against China and all countries of debt holders.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Alex Jones is a Paul Revere of "We thy people" of All Worlds of God's "One Love"

Dear God,
Our Father who art within thy heart giveth thou strength to defeat thy evils upon us. Burn all evil from all darkness and show thy children thou way. Guide "We thy people of all religions" as we battle to defeat the evils of  the "Bankers" and "Tyrants" of "The New World Order". Feed us thou bread of life and giveth us thou weapon and strength to slay the evils from thou world forever.  Might "Our Father" carry and bless his "One People" to victory over tyranny as "One Light to One Love". Skeetron

PS: Please God feel free to remove the "Life from the Body" of the evil tyrants of "The New World Order" that "We thy people" might live to see your "Light" in this world. Love Skeetron. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Join United States Government for Profit and Enjoy the Murder of Babies of God!

Dear Employees of the United States Government,
Quit Your Murder and Return to Humanity!
Quit Your Contribution to Those Treasonous!
The Blood of God is Upon You!

Louis Armstrong What a wonderful world

America was the "Light" of the World for "We the People"!
American Government is now the "Tyrants" of "We the people" of the world!
Are You Proud?    

Friday, December 24, 2010

God's Angels Shall Kick "Treasonous Government Bitch Boys" Ass!

Dear World,
Thou as I walk through the government tyranny of death I shall fear no evil. Thou children of God are blessed among thou. Fear not as the children of God shall strike the "Light" that shall end all darkness. God's soldiers are there to guide thee and protect thee. Stand with thou "Light" that shall blind the evils of darkness. Walk among the "Light as One" into a new world soul of God's "One Love".


God is the "One Love" of  God's "We the people" of God's World. Run Treasonous Government Bitch Boys Run!  May God stick his boot up your evil asses on your way out!  Skeetron

Saturday, December 18, 2010

United States Government Spends Millions to Uncover Unprotected Penis of WikiLeaks

Dear World,
"We the people" of America are not our government!
The United States government has become treasonous to all of humanity. Please help "We the people" of America to prevent those treasonous within the United States government from murdering the lives of all the children of all the worlds. "We the people" of America are one with "We the people" of the world. Together we shall overcome. God has written within the "Constitution of the United States" our "God Given Duty" to resist the evils that surrounds us all.  It is our "God Given Duty" to destroy the "Beast" and preserve the humanity of God. The name of the "Beast" upon us all is "The Treasonous United States Government". They no longer represent "We the people" of America and definitely are not for the people. The United States government is the "Bitch" of their "Beast-Masters" in "The New World Order" and world banking. Please do not allow this "Beast" to murder your humanity or the humanity of thy brother. God has given us the wisdom within all of God's religions to destroy the "Beast" and restore the light of America and the glory of the world to "One Love".  Love Skeetron.

It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.

The United States Congress approves government treason against all people of all governments while spending millions to cover-up their crimes by uncovering the unprotected penis of WikiLeaks. Hilary Clinton,  the Obama administration, and Congress have conspired with all agencies of the United States government to destroy WikiLeaks and remove "Freedom of Speech" from the world.