Google Skeetron Liberty: Congress Orders Sheep Quarantine! Utah! Re-Route Sheep to Locations Echo-Charlie 5-6 and Foxtrot-Alpha 4-2!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Congress Orders Sheep Quarantine! Utah! Re-Route Sheep to Locations Echo-Charlie 5-6 and Foxtrot-Alpha 4-2!

Congress claims sheep have "Itchy Wool Syndrome" claims rail-yard superintendent. Tuesday, "Men in White" removed the wool from forty sheep. They delivered wool to a military compound in the Arizona desert for analysis. Congress claims should no "Itchy Wool Syndrome" be found a Wool Sweater shall be netted and distributed to Senators as supplies last. Congress claims, " We confiscated the wool from the "Save America Send a Sheep to Washington" campaign therefore each sweater should cost tax payers no more than one million dollars each. Congress claims one hundred million is well within their budget for holiday sweater expenses!" "Congress Bitch Boys" say yea!

Dear Congress,

Please reconsider sweaters. Congress can most likely supply both Senate and Congress with " Holiday Wool Underwear"! At the same cost! Few pair left over for your  "Banker Boys"!  Our Fearless Leaders will then have a reason to scratch their asses as they sellout America! "Congress Bitch Boys" you are NOT! Repeat Not! "We the people"! Stay home! Scratch your asses! "We the people" want "Our Country" back! Skeetron.