Google Skeetron Liberty: Sheep Chases Nazi Into Potamac!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sheep Chases Nazi Into Potamac!

Ruth Weinstein claims, "Those murderous Nazis started with just one"! She states, " We the people can stop fascist government if we deal with the problem before it becomes a monster! Knowing what I know now. Would have cut the head off that  "Paper Hanging Son of a Bitch"! Back in the thirties. Someway! Somehow! I was six! Cut the head off the poisonous snake! It can't bite you! Ruth says she came to America in 1947. She was free! Life was good for many years. Ruth claims, " Today. No one is free in America. I get the feeling.  Hitler is back! No work! No money! No food! No freedom! Only misery and despair! The seeds of tyranny"!

Dear Ruth,

I agree America is  becoming a "Government State" as did Germany back in the thirties. I remember freedom. Sure don't see much now a days. Think our fearless leaders had something to do with that? What do you think of this new proposed "National Police Force"?

Ruth replies, "Gestapo"!

Thanks for your pledge of financial support towards the "Save America Send a Sheep to Washington" campaign. Ruth Weinstein you are "We the people"!
