Google Skeetron Liberty: Texas Oil Executive Claims Congress Controls Camel Jockeys

Friday, December 11, 2009

Texas Oil Executive Claims Congress Controls Camel Jockeys

Texas oil man, Eric (Doe) agrees with Indiana farmer's insight. Do you really think were fighting for human rights? That's a crock of shit! Congress doesn't even give a crap about American human rights. It's all about oil, power, and control. You have your "good" camel jockeys and your "bad" camel jockeys. A "good" camel jockey allows Congress to manipulate their oil. We attack and invade the "bad" camel jockey. We must beat them into submission. Our American children  must die so some "Fat Cat" in Washington can feel important while he conspires with my boss to financially suck the life out of America! It's all about control. Fuel! Food! Money!

Dear Texan,

I agree! Is it true that our country now sits on a hundred years of our own oil?  That is a long time. If God gave us sunlight  then why must our children have to die?  Texans you are "We the people".