Google Skeetron Liberty: Congress Rapes Second Amendment so Hilary Can Murder Your Babies for Profit

Monday, July 23, 2012

Congress Rapes Second Amendment so Hilary Can Murder Your Babies for Profit

It is treasonous for Congress or the Presidency to even consider amending the Second Amendment.

Dear America,
Our Founding Fathers designed the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights as a combined, legal, collective thought with the intent to build this great nation and prevent future tyrannies within government. These documents were written and adopted to specifically prevent government from destroying America through abuse of power and traitorous, treason by federal officials.
The Original Constitution of the United States is non-negotiable. The Second Amendment was added by our Founding Fathers in The Bill of Rights to prevent the current overthrow of the United States by our Congressmen, Presidents, and the Supreme Court Justices. Yes, these three branches of your current federal government have committed treason against the Constitution.

  • The only solution at this eleventh hour is "We the people".
  • The  Second Amendment was added by our Founding Fathers solely to preserve your freedom to oppose criminal government.
  • The Constitution clearly states and legally mandates that every sovereign American shall participate in the removal from office of those traitorous to the Republic.
  • That America shall use whatever means necessary to preserve the "Constitution of the United States" and America.
  • That it is the right and the duty of every American to bare arms against tyrannical government to liberate their government of all treason.
  • The right to bare arms is the most Constitutional amendment to preserve the Republic now and for future generations.
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The "Second Amendment" is absolutely clear and concise. "shall not be infringed" is an absolute and any misrepresented deception shall be considered treason and those involved shall be arrested as traitors to the Republic. 

George Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Founding Fathers knew today's treasonous federal government would threaten their great nation so they wrote the Second Amendment and The Bill of Rights to protect you and your family from being murdered by traitors in federal government.

So Bare Arms America and God Bless Our Republic 

 Love Skeetron. 

The Second Amendment

The Second Amendment is to prevent treason within the United States government. Period.