Google Skeetron Liberty: February 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Revolution Must Seize All Oil and Assets of N.W.O. Global Bankers

Dear "Revolutions" of the World,

Your Independence and freedom are upon you. Your military shall rally with you to remove your oppressive tyrant government. You shall become sovereign in a sovereign nation only when a "Constitution" and a Parliamentary Republic of the people is established.

Your new government must stand united with the people and your military as Global Terrorist in Global Banking shall attempt to steal your Independence. These terrorist are of the New World Order and are disguised as the United Nations and representative diplomats of the now treasonous United States government. They wish to exploit and destroy you for their New World Order. They wish to consume the wealth of the entire world and will begin by feasting on the flesh of your Independence.

Beware of  "Hilary the Witch Bearing Gifts" as her soul has been eaten by the demons of

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sheriff of "We the people" Hog Ties Hilary and Federal Bitch Boys

Dear Sheriffs of "We the people",
You are our commander! You are our "Constitutional" Saviour! "We the people" are your militia. Lead us in battle as "We the people" resist the tyranny and oppression of the now treasonous federal government. Command your "Constitutional Minute Man Armies" and repel the aggressions of federal genocide. Be our "George Washington" and declare our sovereign independence. Restore America to greatness and "Hog Tie Hilary". Run Obama back under the rock he came and close the box on "Federal Bitch Boy Terrorism". Lead America again to freedom and restore Liberty to your people. Stand as God's Sheriff of "We the people" and kick ass for America! Skeetron.

Sheriff Mack Power of the County Sheriff Part 1

Sheriff Mack Power of the County Sheriff Part 2

Sheriff Mack Power of the County Sheriff Part 3

Sheriff Mack Power of the County Sheriff Part 4

Sheriff Mack Power of the County Sheriff Part 5

Resist and Stand With God and Sheriff and "Hog Tie Tyranny"

Neptune's Love Palace is the "U.S. Battleship of Love Thy World"

My Fair Lady,