Google Skeetron Liberty: France Gives Ultimatum "Lady Liberty Wears Wool or Send Her Back" Save America Send a Sheep to Washington!

Friday, December 11, 2009

France Gives Ultimatum "Lady Liberty Wears Wool or Send Her Back" Save America Send a Sheep to Washington!

A Frenchman, Stephen agrees American Congress no longer represents the American people. He fully supports the "Save America Send a Sheep to Washington" campaign. Stephen states "We had to cut their heads off. Your campaign seems more humane". He wishes the American people the best of luck. Stephen says, " France should net a wool sweater for "Lady Liberty" to show their support! If she doesn't wear it. We want her back! America doesn't deserve the Statue of Liberty if America no longer has liberty".

Dear Stephen,

Right-On!  Thank you. Might be the second time France helps "We the people" obtain freedom! Frenchman dude you are "We the people".
