Google Skeetron Liberty: Miss Molly Blesses Flocks of "Save America Send a Sheep to Washington"!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Miss Molly Blesses Flocks of "Save America Send a Sheep to Washington"!

Molly, a dieing cancer patient blesses the flocks of "Save America Send a Sheep to Washington" She explains, "Me and my brother Johnny came to America from Scotland  in 1923.  Johnny built the great railroads of America. He died defending this country from them murderous Nazis! I married my love Eric after the war. We had three wonderful boys together. Two  died in Viet Nam by them dirty communist. My third child, Timmy died years later from something called Agent Orange. My love Eric worked the coal mines of Kentucky till he could no longer breath. We moved to Columbus where he worked for a fertilizer company. Eric worked till the day he stopped breathing. He was 84. Eric, my love worked for nothing! Just to buy me my medicines. Now I can afford. Only aspirin! Doctor says I won't see New Years. God Bless America!"  

Dear Molly,

Who loves you? All of America loves you! Your life is the life of so many! God bless you Miss Molly! You are "We the people".
