Google Skeetron Liberty: Ohio Schoolteacher Supports "Save America Send a Sheep to Washington" Campaign!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ohio Schoolteacher Supports "Save America Send a Sheep to Washington" Campaign!

A Ohio schoolteacher, Lucy (Doe)  has recently lost her job due to  budget cutbacks. Her husband is still working driving a truck. She states they barely make it. Trucking  pays little due to government regulations, taxes, and fuel. Lucy wishes to help. She grew up on a farm in western Ohio. Her family lost their farm back in the 1980's to a criminal bank owned by a criminal insurance company. Lucy has had enough! She is ready to fight back! She states, "If only for my children".

Dear Lucy,

God loves you. Hang in their girl. Keep fighting. It's "Our Country". You can help best by getting the word out to your friends and family. Have them call their fearless leaders. Let them know their sheep are on the way. That they  need  not screw working America any more.  Lucy you are "We the people".
