Google Skeetron Liberty: "Banker Boy" Squeals as Congress Steals "American Dream"!

Monday, January 4, 2010

"Banker Boy" Squeals as Congress Steals "American Dream"!

Richard, the President of a small community bank in Portland, Maine says Congress has destroyed  legitimate banking. Congress  penalizes small banks for "Doing the Job Right". Congress rewards big banks  for stealing the "American Dream"! Richard says, "We must work using sound, proven banking practices to stay solvent. Congress backed big banking can lend a trillion dollars on the signature of Jesse James for designer underwear. If the James Gang runs off with the trillion. Congress gives big banking three trillion! One to cover their losses. One to lend to John Dillinger. One trillion in bonuses to reward themselves. A job well done.  All I can figure. Congress is Big Banking and Big Banking is Congress! Nothing else makes sense". Richard claims, "Big banking wipes the asses of our Fearless Leaders and eats the toilet paper to hide the truth"!

Dear Richard,

Your completely correct. How many Americans will you lay off when you close the doors to your bank? How many families will starve as our Fearless Leaders stand upon their pedestals having their butts gently wiped by big banking? How many rolls of toilet paper must big banking eat to consume the "American Dream"? Richard, small banker dude, yes you are "We the people"!
