Dear Employees of the United States Government,
Quit Your Murder and Return to Humanity!
Quit Your Contribution to Those Treasonous!
The Blood of God is Upon You!
Louis Armstrong What a wonderful world
America was the "Light" of the World for "We the People"!
American Government is now the "Tyrants" of "We the people" of the world!
Are You Proud?
You may believe that your activities within the federal government is patriotic and of "We the people". You are wrong! Your position in federal government is an act of treason against The Constitution of the United States Your position is an act of treason against "We the people" of America and the World. It is not your patriotic duty to contribute to the death of humanity or the murder of God's children through government oppression and tyranny. Eliminate all government positions below you then quit your treasonous parasitic federal employment before God removes your employment from you.

Islamofascist salute
Get a "Real Patriotic Job" rebuilding what you have destroyed. God and "We the people" will be with you.
Your Federal Employment does not have the Authority to Lie to God.
Alex Jones: Is Mass Bird and Fish Die Off Connected to Government Testing? 1/2
Your federal participation in global genocide has ramifications from God. So join "We the people" of the world in freedom and liberty or "Kiss Your Treasonous Federal Ass Goodbye"
Declaration of Independence
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
One Day the Government Parasite will Come to Suck your Life from your Government Employment as your Employment has Sucked the Life from "We the people"!
"What A Wonderful World" - LOUIS ARMSTRONG
This song dedicated to my mom and dad who built life. Love Steve.
We are all from one people. One Love. Skeetron.
Quit Your Murder and Return to Humanity!
Quit Your Contribution to Those Treasonous!
The Blood of God is Upon You!
Louis Armstrong What a wonderful world
America was the "Light" of the World for "We the People"!
American Government is now the "Tyrants" of "We the people" of the world!
Are You Proud?
You may believe that your activities within the federal government is patriotic and of "We the people". You are wrong! Your position in federal government is an act of treason against The Constitution of the United States Your position is an act of treason against "We the people" of America and the World. It is not your patriotic duty to contribute to the death of humanity or the murder of God's children through government oppression and tyranny. Eliminate all government positions below you then quit your treasonous parasitic federal employment before God removes your employment from you.
Islamofascist salute
Get a "Real Patriotic Job" rebuilding what you have destroyed. God and "We the people" will be with you.
Your Federal Employment does not have the Authority to Lie to God.
Alex Jones: Is Mass Bird and Fish Die Off Connected to Government Testing? 1/2
Your federal participation in global genocide has ramifications from God. So join "We the people" of the world in freedom and liberty or "Kiss Your Treasonous Federal Ass Goodbye"
Declaration of Independence
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
One Day the Government Parasite will Come to Suck your Life from your Government Employment as your Employment has Sucked the Life from "We the people"!
"What A Wonderful World" - LOUIS ARMSTRONG
This song dedicated to my mom and dad who built life. Love Steve.
We are all from one people. One Love. Skeetron.