Google Skeetron Liberty: Skeetron Liberty! Censored by Treasonous U.S. Government for New World Order.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Skeetron Liberty! Censored by Treasonous U.S. Government for New World Order.

You have now entered a site that classifies you as a Patriotic Terrorist of Liberty and Freedom.
Kiss your ass goodbye or stand and fight with God for Humanity. I shall return as God will show me the way with a little help from my patriotic friends at Google.
Love Skeetron 

Censored with Treasonous Government Spam paid for with your

tax dollars to destroy Freedom of Speech, "The Constitution of the United States", and America. How many trillions of dollars will it cost you for your government to murder your America?

The New World Order Murdered 24,000 Children Today through Starvation and Disease for Profit.

The New World Order will Murder 24,000 Children Tomorrow with the support and services of United States Federal Employees.

Quit your treason against God's Humanity.

We are all from one people.
One love. Skeetron

Please forward Skeetron Liberty to a friend of God's humanity around the world as "New World Order Bitch Boys" have censored my ability to spread the word by censoring "Freedom of Speech" in cyberspace.
Love Skeetron.