Alert: Congress Geek Squad has sent many articles of "Save America Send a Sheep to Washington" into Cyberspace forever! We shall continue working on our connection to "We the people". Freedom of Speech shall prevail!
Update: Our Fearless Leaders stand tall swords raised riding their donkeys down Pennsylvania Avenue to slaughter the sheep. Some one need tell them! It's a long ride to Utah!
David, "Computer Dude" from Charlottesville Virginia, does battle in Cyberspace with Congress Geek Hackers! David has temporarily restored our connection to America. He is our Cyber Superman. David claims that "Big Brother" records all internet transmissions. All cellphone conversations. All banking. All grocery list. Even your television viewing records"! Congress controls this information to destroy our freedoms!
Dear David,
Thank you very much for restoring our connection to America. David has donated his services to "Save America Send a Sheep to Washington" campaign. David you are "We the people".
Note: If Congress can record all information of all Americans and use this same information to destroy America then why was Nixon impeached?