Google Skeetron Liberty: Declaration of Federal Cleansing of America

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Declaration of Federal Cleansing of America

In America this 4th day of July in the year two thousand fifteen.

We the sovereign people of the United States do hereby give notice of our revolution to expel, arrest, and hold "Constitutionally" accountable those elected or appointed and tyrannical and treasonous in federal position.

Notice to Congress, Presidents, Supreme Court and Federal Agencies of the United States,

We America have stood patriotic and patient awaiting our elected to "Honor their Oaths" and defend that which is the republic of the United States. Decade upon decade has faded as your abuses now escalate a critical terrorism upon us all. Your oppression has grown exponentially with your treason and now strangles the people, their laws, their lives. We have passively endured your federal abuses time upon time again and again and at every aspect of our existence. We the sovereign people of America, with deep regret and with no other course of action, do hereby give all federal elected and or appointed officials notice of the classification "Tyrant"; barring Patriots. That their tyrannical action be considered "War" against America, the people of America, and the founding documents and laws of the United States. That engaging in war by legislation, financial manipulation, war against our founding documents, terrorism by force or perception, oppression of freedom or liberty, and or war by any other means or action affecting negatively the well being of America and its States and its people shall be considered "Treason"; Constitution of the United States, Article 3, Section 3.

We the sovereign people of America do herein declare that which your oppression has rendered "War" upon our United States of America, the world, founding law, and the lives, liberties, freedoms, and the pursuit of happiness of America;

  You have attacked the Patriots twisting perception of patriotism to terrorism that you might   minimize the resistance against your "War" to destroy and overthrow the United States of America and establish your "New World Order" government for your personal profit, influence, and power.

   Presidents have declared war on sovereign countries without Congressional approval.

· You have militarily attacked sovereign countries without consent of Congress contrary to law.

· You have financially declared war on sovereign countries to manipulate your power and profits.

· Congress has passed laws in conflict with founding laws.

· You have used the unconstitutional "Executive Order" to issue treasonous orders and laws upon the United States that wage "War" upon "Constitutional America", we the people, and the world for your power, profit and influence.

· Congress has passed laws based on previously known unconstitutional laws.

· You have created a massive military to terrorize the world for your profit and power.

· You have surrendered the wealth of America to banking enemies for your benefit and profit.

· You have allowed the President to commit murder for your profit and power.

· You have allowed and promoted that our federal government terrorize the American people.

· You have allowed federal government to terrorize with 9/11 that you might alter founding law and documents.

· You allowed and continue to allow "The Patriot Act" to terrorize the people.

· You have financed "Al Qaeda" through federal operations to terrorize America.

· You have financed "ISIS" through federal operations to terrorize America and world.

· Congress has allowed "United Nations" to dictate law to America.

· Congress has financially bailed out and rewarded banks and financial institutions that conspired and collapse our economy and economies of the world for your monetary benefit.

· You have militarized the America police and programmed them against the people for your power and control.

· You have perpetrated "False Flag" terrorist attacks against America to instill fear within America that you might benefit by power and profit.

· You have conspired with the financial institutions to manipulate the economy for your profit and wealth.

· You have conspired with food producers to promote disease and death in the American people that you might profit through conspired manipulations.

· You have censored and manipulated information through the total control of medias, such as news-casting, to manipulate and make ignorant the American people.

· You have starved to death hundreds of millions of people in third world countries for your profit and control of their natural resources.

· You have promoted race war conflicts to separate the American people in preparation for your federal overthrow of our Constitutional government.

· You have promoted retention, tortured, and murder of Americans and Foreigners without due process of law in violation of 5th and 6th Amendments.

· You have promoted illegal searches of America in violation of 4th Amendment to program the people to except your "War" and your "Coup d'etat"  overthrow of America.

· You have promoted illegal drug trafficking to "Dumb Down" America that you might destroy the moral values of America and covertly complete your treasonous overthrow.

· You have manipulated, through your federal financial funding, the establishment of  "Military Style Police Forces" throughout legitimate "Constitutional" law enforcement of States and of America.

· You have manipulated laws to destroy "Freedom of Speech" in violation of 1st Amendment.

· You have pass legislation that your police tyrants might repel protest and peaceful assembly in violation of 1st Amendment.

· You have prevented the people from redress of their grievances in violation of 1st Amendment that you might profit from your "War by Overthrow" of Founding Documents.

· You have passed laws regarding religion in violation of 1st Amendment.

· You have funded "Internet Censorship" in contempt of 1st Amendment.

· You have funded cyberspace espionage on foreign countries while not at war.

· You have funded the assassination of leaders of foreign countries for your profit and power.

· Supreme Court has upheld unconstitutional laws in contempt and in violation of founding laws.

· Supreme Court has engaged in "War" against the United States by uphold unconstitutional laws that aid and comfort and profit the enemies of America.

· You have controlled, through funding, the schooling of our young to except your treason and your "War through Destruction of America" as norm.

· You have spent a large percentage of the wealth of America on spending for your personal profit, power, and influence.

· You have created a massive federal system of government in violation of founding documents.

· You have created massive entitlement programs to control the people and for vote manipulation.

· President has created a health care program in violation of Constitutional law.

· You have allowed a president to take office that is unqualified for the position against Constitutional law. Article 2, Section 1.

· You have and still continue to allowed unqualified candidates to run for Presidency against Constitutional law. Article 2, Section 1.

· You have financially forced and manipulated the States to accept your "Rule" through your unlawful funding in violation of Amendment 10 of Bill of Rights.

· You have spent American monies to remove those of good character and Patriots from office for your personal gains and your own personal financial benefit.

· You have taxed the people into poverty with your massive spending on your unconstitutional allocation of funds for wars upon non aggressive sovereign countries for their wealth .

· You have issued massive amounts of America's money as "Grants" for favors to those that issue "Grants" in return for your conspired benefits.

· You have butchered and murdered our young in numerous unnecessary wars for your personal profit and influence.

· You have purchased military equipment to be used by our enemies to attack America.

· You have spied on America and collected unwarranted information in violation of the 6th Amendment.

· You allowed and promoted the "Federal Reserve" banking system to steal the wealth of America.

· You have removed the immigration barriers that votes of illegals might keep you in power and profits.

· You have removed immigration that overburdened entitlements might increase taxation.

· You passed laws regarding gun control in total criminal violation with founding laws of 2nd Amendment of Bill of Rights.

· You have passed into law the Patriot Act which is in violation of founding laws.

   You have passed into law the Patriot Act which is an act of War against Founding Law and therefore Treason against the United States.

· You have committed murder by "False Flag" to manipulate the fears of the people that they surrender their rights.

· You have committed fraud and extortion by your"False Flag" terrorism against America so increased taxation might be imposed upon the people.

· You funded foreign terrorism against America to increase military budgets.

· You removed high ranking patriot military leaders that the military might be used to attack the American people.

· You have allowed NATO forces to control our military.

· You have allowed our embassies to be attacked and Americans to be murder for your profits and power.

· You have ordered our armed forces to stand down as our troops were slaughtered.

· You have ordered our military against America in disregard of the laws of "Posse Comitatus".

· You removed the banking laws of Glass-Steagall resulting in economic crash of America and world.

· You have used federal funding to removed States' powers in violation of the 10th Amendment.

   You have allowed the Presidency to promote war with friendly nations antagonizing them that they might respond militarily. You and the Presidency have promoted such that American aggression might ignite World War 3; resulting in the destruction of America and thereafter your replacement of America with your "New World Order" government. This premeditated destruction of America is "War against America" and is your "Treason Against America". War is war whether a gun or the stroke of a pen legislating a threat to the sovereignty of the Republic of America or the resulting damage to or death there of. Those involved that employ such are waging war against that which they swore oath to defend and are traitors to the Republic and are treasonous against all that is America.

Constitution of the United States, Article 3, Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in the levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, or giving them Aid or Comfort.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms. Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury and increased oppression. A government whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the government of a free people.

We the sovereign people of the United States do hereby "Declare" your actions and manipulations as treasonous and oppressive and accuse you of engaging in the act of "War" against the American people, founding law, and all that is the United States. Therefore by necessity and with our power of collective sovereignty do hereby relieve  all of Congress, all of Presidency, and all of Supreme Court of all power, control, and of any jurisdictions there of or there in within our United States Federal Government; exempting Patriots. We the sovereign people do define you "Tyrant" and charge you with "War against America" and "Treason" in accordance with Founding Law; and by authority and rights therein as set forth and mandated in the;

"Declaration of Independence",
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, 

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution 

and the "Bill of Rights"

Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

We the people of America by our collective power of sovereignty do hereby instruct the States of the United States to unite and employ the patriots of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and all United States' County Sheriffs to backup, reinforce, and support the United States Marshals in their arrest of all elected and or appointed members of all branches of the federal government of the United States that have perpetrated tyrannical oppression and or treasonous acts of "War" against America, its people, or founding laws. Jail or retain these "Tyrants" and or those"Treasonous" till such time as "Constitutional Law" and "Founding Justice" is again established and implemented by the States.

We the people of America by our collective power of sovereignty do hereby declare the United States at a "State of Revolutionary War" against those federal that engage in "War Against America" as declared herein. Federal "Tyrants" and "Treasonous" are hereby ordered to surrender to the proper authorities as specified. Any refusal or acts of aggression thereof shall be construed as "Levying War against America" and shall be met with the deadly force necessary to preserve our republic of the United States of America; authority herein granted to the people as their duty and right under founding law.

We therefore the people of the United States through our collective power of sovereignty do hereby declare and affirm that America belongs to its people. That the people shall be free of federal oppression and tyranny. That liberty and justice shall take precedence over federal self interest and treason. That to restore the peoples' America of our founders it becomes necessary to declare that which divides and separates us.

That we the people of America do hereby swear elegance to this "Declaration" and resolve to return America to the free republic it was founded upon. The blood of liberty therefore we pledge upon your tyranny and for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of the divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

Steven Jeffrey Cull  July 4, 2015