Google Skeetron Liberty: New World Order Faces of Treason Against Humanity and Constitution

Friday, December 14, 2012

New World Order Faces of Treason Against Humanity and Constitution

In order to establish the New World Order the criminals of man must first destroy America and it's "Constitution" and founding documents.
This act is TREASON and those elected officials supporting the enemy foreign and domestic are treasonous.
The American "Constitution" was designed to create and improve humanity around the world when used correctly and when used by criminals through treason destroys humanity.
Join those of the Resistance....

Dear Father,
Please allow thee treasonous to fall that "We the people" might stand among thou light in glory forever more. Love Skeetron

NOTE: Should any treasonous, criminal, traitor of humanity wish to denounce their support of the murderous, tyrant, baby killing organization known as New World Order to God and the world I, Skeetron will gladly remove their Unwanted Poster from the world they wish to enslave and exterminate. Love Skeetron.

“Treasonous Federal Elected Official Act”.

That legislation is established to deal with acts of treason against the original "United States Constitution" by federal elected officials. That the FBI shall be removed from Homeland Security that it might function independently of federal control. A new FBI division shall be placed under the jurisdiction of States' government that they might request investigations into alleged acts of treason. Should federal officials be deemed to have committed treason they shall be arrested as criminals. The FBI may request the United States Armed Forces to assist. No individual, branch, department, agency, or such of federal government shall be exempt from investigation.That trial for said “Treason” shall be conducted under States' government authority and justice.