Google Skeetron Liberty: Fannie Mae is a "Crackwhore"! Congress "Le' Pimp"!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Fannie Mae is a "Crackwhore"! Congress "Le' Pimp"!

Congress Le' Pimp claims, " Fannie Mae is my best bitch! Give her a billion in drug money. Watch it disappear! Clean! As zeros appear! She made Congress Le' Pimp the wealthiest pimp in the land! Me and her. We pulled the biggest insurance scam ever! Each month, like clockwork, every America sent us $40! For thirty years! For insurance that did not exist. Fannie Mae mixed a trillion dollars of insurance  with a trillion dollars of drug money and presto! Made it clean! Made it disappeared. Me and my "Capitol Pimp Buddies" grabbed it and ran! Hid it offshore in another land. Freddy Mac joined in. Doubled our take. Then in 2008, we feared it was over!  Surprise! We doubled our take double! Called it our bail! Surprise! It did not stop there. A bonus! I declare"!

 Dear Congress Le' Pimp and gang,

What goes around! Comes around! In this life! Or next!
