Dear Lucas Daniel Smith,
Keep on keeping on! Congress will not deal with Obama's eligibility to be president. Congress believes they are above the law and that their President is above God's law! That America is theirs. That "The Constitution" has no relevance within their exclusive "Cartel of Deception and Greed". Why would you believe those that profit from drug monies would uphold "The Constitution"? Why would you believe those that fund their campaigns with profits from "Dead Children" would care whether Obama was legitimate. Do you think satin cares whether his children in Washington DC are legitimate? Did the "Government Drug Cartel" terrorize Justice that they might maintain their power? These are all techniques developed by criminals to twist the truth. If our Congress is controlled by treasonous drug cartels and they can terrorize the Justice System then the Military and the American people are America's last hope. It is God's destiny that the American people through the truths of "The Constitution" slay the deceivers occupying our government. Yes, Lucas Daniel Smith you are a " Knight" of the Truth" for "We the people". Skeetron.
Skeetron thanks "The Post & Email.
Exclusive: Lucas Daniel Smith speaks with The Post & Email
Keep on keeping on! Congress will not deal with Obama's eligibility to be president. Congress believes they are above the law and that their President is above God's law! That America is theirs. That "The Constitution" has no relevance within their exclusive "Cartel of Deception and Greed". Why would you believe those that profit from drug monies would uphold "The Constitution"? Why would you believe those that fund their campaigns with profits from "Dead Children" would care whether Obama was legitimate. Do you think satin cares whether his children in Washington DC are legitimate? Did the "Government Drug Cartel" terrorize Justice that they might maintain their power? These are all techniques developed by criminals to twist the truth. If our Congress is controlled by treasonous drug cartels and they can terrorize the Justice System then the Military and the American people are America's last hope. It is God's destiny that the American people through the truths of "The Constitution" slay the deceivers occupying our government. Yes, Lucas Daniel Smith you are a " Knight" of the Truth" for "We the people". Skeetron.
Skeetron thanks "The Post & Email.
Exclusive: Lucas Daniel Smith speaks with The Post & Email