Google Skeetron Liberty: Christine O'Donnell is the Spirit Magic of America! Run Congress Bitch Boys Run!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Christine O'Donnell is the Spirit Magic of America! Run Congress Bitch Boys Run!

Dear America,
Please do not be entertained by the treasonous actors occupying our government. Our freedom will be murdered! Our children tortured. Our lives put to death for our entertainment. Do not be entertained! Do not buy into the treasonous propaganda within our current political machine. The lives of "We the people" and "We our children" is at the threshold of destruction. Democrats and Republicans employ decoy politics to divert attention. Our political parties have modeled their dirty politics to deceive. They manipulate by decoy to exterminate our America. Our "Fearless Leaders" desire to erase our "Constitution". Its "Truths" and our freedoms! Do not be entertained! Tyrants within government manipulate our destinies that they might achieve a twisted glory in the hell they impose. They wish to march the spirit of America into their "Gas Chambers for Extermination".

America stand up! Say no! Say no damn more! Email your Treasonous Leaders and tell them to "Kiss Your Ass" for Skeetron. Tell them to "Kiss Your Ass" for your Children and the America you love. If that does not get their attention. Shit in a bag and gently place it upon the Capitol steps. Place a flower upon it to signify your love of country. Allow our Fearless Leaders to smell the resolve of "We the people". Allow them to understand the depth of shit they have inflicted upon the soul of America!
Dear Christine O'Donnell
Recently I have noticed an attack by our treasonous government against one of America's true patriots. A fine lady of the divine truth. Christine O'Donnell. I truly believe that in her heart the pulse of America beats. That divine destiny has brought her to this step along her path. Christine O'Donnell is the spirit magic of America!.. May "The Light" Be With You. Love Skeetron.

PS Please become our President when "We the people" remove that "Rock Kissing Son of Bitch"!

Thomas Jefferson 
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

You Tube: Christine O'Donnell on Race for Biden's Seat

You Tube: Christine O'Donnell on Your World with Cavuto

The Declaration of Independence
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.