If you are a socialist. Vote "Incumbent". If you are a terrorist. Vote "Incumbent". If you wish America to resemble Nazi Germany. Vote "Incumbent". Should you support treason against "The Constitution".Vote "Incumbent". If you wish to destroy and collapse God's America support your local incumbent Democrat or Republican. They shall destroy "God's Country" for you.
"We the people" were not watching. "We the people" were struggling to create the goodness of life among family, friends, and community. We trusted "Incumbents" to conduct legislation in our best interest within the truths they swore oath to. "We the people" were deceived by the treachery of the manipulators. We were manipulated by the "Lies" of the deceivers. "We the people" considered an "Incumbent" to have experience therefore we assumed them to be better qualified. We were far from correct. Today's "Incumbent" is best qualified to rape, plunder, and murder America. Today's "Incumbent" has a PHD in treason and the position to maintained this treachery within a "Congressional Cartel of Death and Tyranny". Our children will pay the price with their lives. "We the people" shall not fail! "We the people" shall defeat the evils upon us and restore the "Truths" of "The Constitution of the United States"! Run "Incumbent" Bitch Boys Run! Skeetron.
Thomas Jefferson " I have sworn eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man"

You Tube: is this government trying to collapse our country?
Tea Party Member Stuns Crowd! ORIGINAL!
The Declaration of Independence
"For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:"
You Tube: is this government trying to collapse our country?
Tea Party Member Stuns Crowd! ORIGINAL!
The Declaration of Independence
"For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:"