Google Skeetron Liberty: New World Order Al Qaeda and Incumbents Commit Worldwide Genocide Terrorism to Exterminate America... Part 1

Friday, November 12, 2010

New World Order Al Qaeda and Incumbents Commit Worldwide Genocide Terrorism to Exterminate America... Part 1

Dear World, 
God Save us all! I hope tomorrow proves Skeetron wrong! 

The United States government and The New World Order, using their Al Qaeda organization, plan a major terrorist event of the magnitude of 9/11 within the next two months. The attacks will take place in multiple strategic countries in order to create world chaos. America shall be their main target as the destruction of America is their main goal. Israel will be attacked and European countries will suffer. Nuclear threats will increase between North and South Korea. China and Russia will believe each the other to be aggressors as the New World Order manipulates and delivers death throughout humanity.

The Global "New World Order" Government under the directives of George Soras, Bilderberg Members, and IMF have conspired with United States Congress, the Federal Reserve, and Obama to exterminate "The Constitution of the United States" and enslave America and "We the people" of the world.

Over the next two months America will observe weekly, systematic liquidation of their financial wealth. Incumbent Congress and Obama, through the Federal Reserve will create another one to two trillion in national debt under the pretense of  economic "Stimulus". America will be led to believe these trillions are being printed and distributed by the  Federal Reserve. No money will be printed although the national debt will increase accordingly.  The dollar will be devalued as inflation skyrockets. The actual trillions in debt will become an asset to world banking and financial holdings of the New World Order.

Incumbent Congress and Obama will claim the country can no longer afford to extend unemployment. They will claim Welfare and government subsidies need be greatly reduced. That Social Security and Medicare benefits need to be cut to maintain economic stability. America should expect their last unemployment checks in December. Social Security and welfare will follow as the Federal Reserve tightens the nation's money supply. Federal Reserve will claim this necessary to offset the out of control inflation. A loaf of bread will compete with a gallon of gas for your last ten dollars by New Years.

Incumbent Congress and Obama, under the directive of the New World Order, will require all banking to be nationalized under the Federal Reserve to prevent economic collapse due to massive foreclosure. That all loans and mortgages shall be owned by the Federal Government through the Federal Reserve and IMF. All bank accounts and savings will be frozen and credit denied by "The Government Bank of the New World Order". Business in America will be unable to pay employees as "The Free Enterprise Competitive System" collapses. All of America will then become employees of the Federal Government and in so doing become enslaved by the New World Order. End Part 1

"We are One World of One People"
Today we shall stand as tomorrow will never come this way today again. Skeetron

Stand! Resist! Fight! or Die!

Glenn Beck 
The Puppet Master's Plan For America
November 10, 2010 Part 1-3
The Daily Beck - You Tube

Glenn Beck
George Soros Final Episode
November 11, 2010 Part 1-3
The Daily Beck - You Tube

Thanks Glenn Beck and Fox News, Skeetron.