Dear One World,
The America People need your help today that there might be a tomorrow for all!
All people of the world need unite against the global tyrants of Global Government or become slaves to the New World Order. All people of the world need unite as a single force of resistance. Divided we shall be led into a state of global premeditated genocide. Divided we shall endure mass starvation and economic slavery.
United We Stand Today or Divided We Die Tomorrow!
Treasonous criminals occupying the United States government and The New World Order, using their Al Qaeda organization, plan global terrorism throughout the world in the very near future. These attacks shall be perpetrated to create worldwide turmoil as cover to financial liquidation and destroy America. Once the New World Order collapses the United States they will destroy all other countries of the world. All countries will fall as each becomes overwhelmed financially through economic manipulations of the New World Order bankers. The destruction of the United States and the collapse of the dollar as a world currency is their key to controlling and collapsing all world economies. They will use their Al Qaeda terrorist organization to decoy world attention while they financially liquidate countries. The New World Order is the "Terrorist of Genocide". They are Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda are they. The New World Order desire total control and ownership of all people and all governments.They plan to exterminate and depopulate "We the people of the world" for their twisted greed of power and dominance. The Al Qaeda terrorist attacks of tomorrow are just the beginning of the final stages of a worldwide genocide plot of the New World Order.
Are You and Your Children to be Exterminated or Your Neighbor and Their Children?

"We the people of the world" can Alter our Future Today.

Stand! Resist! Fight! or Be Exterminated!
Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist "Spills Gut" On Plan to Destroy America - Alex Jones TV 1 of 6
Thanks Alex Jones and Lindsey Williams
Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist "Spills Gut" On Plan to Destroy America - Alex Jones TV 2 of 6
Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist "Spills Gut" On Plan to Destroy America - Alex Jones TV 3 of 6
Those within the New World Order have manipulated and orchestrated many "False Flags" to decoy the world in recent years. They have purchased the leaders of many countries such as the United States. They have purchased and manipulated wars between nations such as Israel and Arab countries. They have purchased civil war within countries such as Mexico. Purchased nuclear threats within the world such as is North and South Korea. The middle east. The New World Order will purchase a state of war between Russia and China to prevent these countries from becoming allies of freedom. The New World Order is determined to control the world. The members of the New World Order are so insanely twisted within their own demonic greed that they will totally destroy the earth and all of humanity to acheive their sick delusional conquest of humanity. The New World Order wishes to rule as "Gods of Genocide" within a world cleansed of the greatness of the humanity.
Dear God,
Please destroy all members and associates of "The New World Order" and lead "We the people of the world" to "One Love". Please restore the "Constitution of the United States" for all your people of all your worlds. Thanks Big Daddy, Love Skeetron.
The America People need your help today that there might be a tomorrow for all!
All people of the world need unite against the global tyrants of Global Government or become slaves to the New World Order. All people of the world need unite as a single force of resistance. Divided we shall be led into a state of global premeditated genocide. Divided we shall endure mass starvation and economic slavery.
United We Stand Today or Divided We Die Tomorrow!
Treasonous criminals occupying the United States government and The New World Order, using their Al Qaeda organization, plan global terrorism throughout the world in the very near future. These attacks shall be perpetrated to create worldwide turmoil as cover to financial liquidation and destroy America. Once the New World Order collapses the United States they will destroy all other countries of the world. All countries will fall as each becomes overwhelmed financially through economic manipulations of the New World Order bankers. The destruction of the United States and the collapse of the dollar as a world currency is their key to controlling and collapsing all world economies. They will use their Al Qaeda terrorist organization to decoy world attention while they financially liquidate countries. The New World Order is the "Terrorist of Genocide". They are Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda are they. The New World Order desire total control and ownership of all people and all governments.They plan to exterminate and depopulate "We the people of the world" for their twisted greed of power and dominance. The Al Qaeda terrorist attacks of tomorrow are just the beginning of the final stages of a worldwide genocide plot of the New World Order.
Are You and Your Children to be Exterminated or Your Neighbor and Their Children?
"We the people of the world" can Alter our Future Today.
Stand! Resist! Fight! or Be Exterminated!
Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist "Spills Gut" On Plan to Destroy America - Alex Jones TV 1 of 6
Thanks Alex Jones and Lindsey Williams
Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist "Spills Gut" On Plan to Destroy America - Alex Jones TV 2 of 6
Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist "Spills Gut" On Plan to Destroy America - Alex Jones TV 3 of 6
Dear God,
Please destroy all members and associates of "The New World Order" and lead "We the people of the world" to "One Love". Please restore the "Constitution of the United States" for all your people of all your worlds. Thanks Big Daddy, Love Skeetron.