New World Order has purchased a State of War between North and South Korea. The World Bank, IMF, members of Bilderberg, and those treasonous within the United States government intends to create tension and conflict between China, Japan, United States, and the world. This global terrorist event has been bought and paid for by the New World Order. The war is a decoy for the collapse of European governments. The New World Order intends to bankrupt the economies of Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Greece. They intend to weaken the Euro to the point of collapsing the economies of France, Italy, and Germany. England shall be spared as the majority of the members of The New World Order reside in England and the United States. They intend to dominant and enslave the world. The New World Order will commit "Treason against God" to achieve their twisted, sick, demonic dominance over humanity.
The New World Order shall purchase Al Qaeda terrorism
throughout Europe and the United States to farther create chaos as they overthrow countries one by one for greed, dominance, and power. The world will be focused on Korea and global terrorism as the New World Order devalues and destroy the Euro. This will create overwhelming debt to European governments. The New World Order will then use financial manipulations of these debts along with manipulations of world currencies to obtain ownership of Europe and enslave its people.
throughout Europe and the United States to farther create chaos as they overthrow countries one by one for greed, dominance, and power. The world will be focused on Korea and global terrorism as the New World Order devalues and destroy the Euro. This will create overwhelming debt to European governments. The New World Order will then use financial manipulations of these debts along with manipulations of world currencies to obtain ownership of Europe and enslave its people.
To farther increase the destruction of humanity the New World Order will purchase an agreement for the sale of all natural gas from Russia to China. The agreement will requires Russia to cut off natural gas to Europe this winter murdering many tens of thousands initially and millions later. This is an act of global terrorism by the New World Order. Beware Russia and China as your countries are scheduled for extermination in 2012. The New World Order will purchase a war between Russia and China to gain possession and ownership of your wealth and natural resources. Do not buy into the deceit and manipulations of the New World Order as they are the deliverers of death and torment.
The New World Order owns the now treasonous government of the United States. New World Order Al Qaeda terrorism and those treasonous within the United States government shall manipulate "We the people" of America and the world into a state of overwhelming confusion and chaos. Multiply terrorist attacks on our cities will occur in December 2010 and will continue, as required, by the New World Order. Criminals within the United States government will impose Marshall Law and "Murder the Resistance" of "We the people". Mass executions will occur as America transforms into a "Police State". Young federal police trained as "Military Gestapo" will be ordered by the "Commander and Chief" to murder their own family members in the name of Federal Patriotism. All communications and public utilities will be shut down. Transportation will become limited as food sources disappear. Obama will order the military to "Stand Down" as America decenter grates into the hell of holocaust.
Please America Armed Forces do not allow the murder of "We the people" by those treasonous within the United States Government. Love Skeetron.
Dear God,
Please help thou humanity of "One Love" as we struggle to tomorrow today and give us thou strength to be not afraid as we endure to "The Light" of your new day. Love Skeetron.