Dear Google,
Please do not allow those treasonous within the United States government to remove our last "Truths" of Freedom of Speech. Stand with "We the people of the world" to withstand the terrorism upon us all. Google is the last global media of resistance to the tyrants treasonous to God's humanity. Stand with "We the people of the world" as "We the people of the world" stand with Google. May the "Cyber Light" be with you. Love Skeetron.
Google & You Tube Ban Alex Jones
The New World Order is on schedule
to depopulate through premeditated
genocide, starvation, and extermination of "We the people of the world". While your neighbors in the adjacent city are being slaughtered and placed in mass graves you shall enjoy the controlled propaganda news broadcast of your good life on "NWO Television". Then one day the slaughter will begin in your world. Your country! Your town! What will be the newscast as your family is butchered. All major national television of the world is owned and controlled by those within the New World Orders. All major national television have been and continue to use propaganda, deception, and lies to systematically remove your liberty and freedoms. The New World Order will then remove you from life and their liability balance sheet.
What is Your New World Order Number? What is Your Asset-Liability Extermination Ratio?
WikiLeaks's patriotic act of exposing the worldwide treason of the United States government has triggered the "Censorship of the Truth" within the internet.Treasonous criminals within the United States government are now holding Google hostage to manipulate and destroy "Freedom of Speech" throughout the world. The New World Order organizations have threaten to have their "Bitch Boy Obama" turn off the internet should Google refuse. They demand of Google the worldwide destruction of sites delivering the "Truth". United States Congress and Obama demand only lies and deceits be permitted within all public medias. Patriotic Americans of Google are being blackmailed with threats of treason and death should they refuse to comply to these terrorist demands of the New World Order. That all Freedom of Speech be oppressed and all "Truths" be eliminated till the government of the United States controls totally all aspects of freedom within America.
When Is Your Date with Death Scheduled?
What "NWO" Television Station Will You Have On?
Alex Covers The Brainwashing of America on Alex Jones TV Sunday Edition 1/7
Alex Jones TV - Brainwashing America - 2/7
Alex Jones TV - Brainwashing America - 3/7
Alex Jones TV - Brainwashing America - 4/7
Alex Jones TV - Brainwashing America - 5/7
Alex Jones TV - Brainwashing America - 6/7
Alex Jones TV - Brainwashing America - 7/7
Please do not allow those treasonous within the United States government to remove our last "Truths" of Freedom of Speech. Stand with "We the people of the world" to withstand the terrorism upon us all. Google is the last global media of resistance to the tyrants treasonous to God's humanity. Stand with "We the people of the world" as "We the people of the world" stand with Google. May the "Cyber Light" be with you. Love Skeetron.
Google & You Tube Ban Alex Jones
The New World Order is on schedule
to depopulate through premeditated
genocide, starvation, and extermination of "We the people of the world". While your neighbors in the adjacent city are being slaughtered and placed in mass graves you shall enjoy the controlled propaganda news broadcast of your good life on "NWO Television". Then one day the slaughter will begin in your world. Your country! Your town! What will be the newscast as your family is butchered. All major national television of the world is owned and controlled by those within the New World Orders. All major national television have been and continue to use propaganda, deception, and lies to systematically remove your liberty and freedoms. The New World Order will then remove you from life and their liability balance sheet.
What is Your New World Order Number? What is Your Asset-Liability Extermination Ratio?
WikiLeaks's patriotic act of exposing the worldwide treason of the United States government has triggered the "Censorship of the Truth" within the internet.Treasonous criminals within the United States government are now holding Google hostage to manipulate and destroy "Freedom of Speech" throughout the world. The New World Order organizations have threaten to have their "Bitch Boy Obama" turn off the internet should Google refuse. They demand of Google the worldwide destruction of sites delivering the "Truth". United States Congress and Obama demand only lies and deceits be permitted within all public medias. Patriotic Americans of Google are being blackmailed with threats of treason and death should they refuse to comply to these terrorist demands of the New World Order. That all Freedom of Speech be oppressed and all "Truths" be eliminated till the government of the United States controls totally all aspects of freedom within America.
When Is Your Date with Death Scheduled?
What "NWO" Television Station Will You Have On?
Alex Covers The Brainwashing of America on Alex Jones TV Sunday Edition 1/7
Alex Jones TV - Brainwashing America - 2/7
Alex Jones TV - Brainwashing America - 3/7
Alex Jones TV - Brainwashing America - 4/7
Alex Jones TV - Brainwashing America - 5/7
Alex Jones TV - Brainwashing America - 6/7
Alex Jones TV - Brainwashing America - 7/7
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Declaration of Independence
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.Declaration of Independence