Run World Order Bitch Boys Run!

Dear World,
You and I have the power
to overcome the tyrannies upon us. We have one
another as we become one united spirit force of resistance against our New World Order oppressors. God is our commander as we battle to preserve the glory of our humanity. New World Order tyrants within government and banking believe they possess power. They possess nothing unless we give it. Their power only exists as their delusion of our perception of their allusion. Their power can only exist through force and oppression. Their power can only exist through imposed distortions of God's natural laws. The New World Order has no power over you if you do not surrender your spirit soul to them.We were born with a spiritual gift of freedom and God gave us "Free Will". Tyrants of global government may remove all that we physically possess and all that we hold dear. New World Order treasonous governments and bankers can remove life from your body and feast on your flesh. Only You can Surrender to Evil your "Free Will".
"Your God is My God is Our God is the True God of One"
Dear One World,
Stand By Me / Playing For Change / Song Around The World
"We are All from One People." Stand by Me as I Stand by Thee!
Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!
A Little Love is a Great Resistance. Great Love is Greater Resistance. Greatest Love is the Resistance of "One Love".
"Run World Order Bitch Boys Run!"
"Love for One for Love for All for Love for One Love". Skeetron
Dear Karen,
Thanks for the "You Tube" video (Below) of the Hallelujah Chorus. Blowing you a kiss.
This is the greatest form of resistance to the terrorists of tyranny. Standing up for "Love" and awakening the spirit of the soul of humanity is a force the destroyers do not comprehend or are unable to affect. The deadliest and strongest weapon to defend and preserve the "Truth of the Glory of Humanity" is the most powerful God has bestowed upon his family.
"The Sword of God is "Love"!
Love Skeetron
Love Skeetron
Dear World,
You and I have the power
to overcome the tyrannies upon us. We have one
another as we become one united spirit force of resistance against our New World Order oppressors. God is our commander as we battle to preserve the glory of our humanity. New World Order tyrants within government and banking believe they possess power. They possess nothing unless we give it. Their power only exists as their delusion of our perception of their allusion. Their power can only exist through force and oppression. Their power can only exist through imposed distortions of God's natural laws. The New World Order has no power over you if you do not surrender your spirit soul to them.We were born with a spiritual gift of freedom and God gave us "Free Will". Tyrants of global government may remove all that we physically possess and all that we hold dear. New World Order treasonous governments and bankers can remove life from your body and feast on your flesh. Only You can Surrender to Evil your "Free Will".
"Your God is My God is Our God is the True God of One"
Dear One World,
I, Skeetron consider all people of the world my brother and my sister. I consider your mother my mother and my father your father. I consider my humanity yours and your humanity mine. My life and your life is one life. Love, Skeetron
Stand By Me / Playing For Change / Song Around The World
"We are All from One People." Stand by Me as I Stand by Thee!
Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!
A Little Love is a Great Resistance. Great Love is Greater Resistance. Greatest Love is the Resistance of "One Love".
"Run World Order Bitch Boys Run!"