Dear World,
"We the people" of America are not our government!
The United States government has become treasonous to all of humanity. Please help "We the people" of America to prevent those treasonous within the United States government from murdering the lives of all the children of all the worlds. "We the people" of America are one with "We the people" of the world. Together we shall overcome. God has written within the "Constitution of the United States" our "God Given Duty" to resist the evils that surrounds us all. It is our "God Given Duty" to destroy the "Beast" and preserve the humanity of God. The name of the "Beast" upon us all is "The Treasonous United States Government". They no longer represent "We the people" of America and definitely are not for the people. The United States government is the "Bitch" of their "Beast-Masters" in "The New World Order" and world banking. Please do not allow this "Beast" to murder your humanity or the humanity of thy brother. God has given us the wisdom within all of God's religions to destroy the "Beast" and restore the light of America and the glory of the world to "One Love". Love Skeetron.
The United States government has committed treason against the "Constitution of the United States" and jeopardized the lives of Americans and all peoples of the world. It is the duty of "We the people of the world" to hold the American government accountable for these acts. It is the duty of "We the people of the world" to protect and hold harmless those whom expose such treason and destruction. The world should honor these bearers of the truth that others might follow. It takes only one step to begin a movement that all of humanity might follow. One love and one life is but a first step away. Thank you Julian Assange and WikiLeaks for your step for humanity. May God be with you. Skeetron.
Ron Paul: Don't Blame Wikileaks!
The economy of the United States is collapsing and the people of America have begun starving as the government of the United States spends many millions to cover-up and conceal their treasonous crimes.
The United States government is now financing a "Witch Hunt" to destroy the founder of WikiLeaks that they might switch the blame from their treasonous acts to the penis of Julian Assange. Hilary Clinton has unleashed all of the might of the United States government on the condom use of Julian Assange. Hilary claims Assange was not aware of the serial numbers of his condom as he never had the need to rolled one down that far. Therefore he was in clear violation of the "Hilary Clinton Condom Law". Off with his head the wicked witch said!
How Many Children in America Went to Sleep Hungry that Government Might Finance and Conceal Their Treason?
As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now let us show them we can fight like men also.
WikiLeaks has interfered and disrupted Hilary Clinton's ability to conduct international illegal drug trafficking negotiations for the United States Government. How else is the treasonous United States government going to keep medicated the American people while they steal the wealth of ten generations.
Albert Einstein
The Mena Connection: Bush, Clinton, and CIA drug smuggling part 1/6
The Mena Connection - Part 2
The Mena Connection - Part 3
The Mena Connection - Part 4
The Mena Connection - Part 5
The Mena Connection - Part 6
The Kentucky Connection
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.