New World Order Congress
Dear America,
We are pleased to inform America that in order for Congress and the Presidency to maintain their fat treasonous lifestyles the memories of those who gave their lives to preserve and protect America must be bulldozed forever into the past. That the past shall have no relevance in tomorrow's America. That all memories shall be eliminated of prior sacrifices.
The past shall not impede the progression of tomorrow's terrorism in today's Federal New World Order government. Therefore under Congressional Patriot Act statutes and by Presidential approval "The Arlington National Cemetery" shall be bulldozed that the fat and the rich of today's federal treasonous government might enjoy their leisure.
Congress Bitch Boys.
Dear Congress,
America will never surrender to your terrorism! America shall awake once again the "Sleeping Giant"! So tuck your treasonous congressional tails between your legs and run like a scalded ass dog! Love Skeetron.
War Footage - WW1, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam War, Afghanistan War
Dear America,
The greatest and most difficult battle for humanity is upon us. Know thy enemy! Do not allow our enemies to divide God's One Love into enemies of their design! Stand together as one or fall one divided. Love Skeetron.
Tribute to the troops - America the Beautiful - Native American Flute
Dear U.S. Armed Forces,
Tell Obama to murder your brother's family himself so the Bush Oil Cartels and the Clinton Drug Cartels can prosper with their associates in the New World Order Death Cartels. Skeetron.
I, Skeetron request all soldiers of all worlds to lay down their weapons and invite your "Government's Enemies for Profit" to join you in an ice cold beer and a friendly smile. Then come home and begin creating God's humanity again with your family and friends. Bring it home safe guys!
Love Skeetron
Redemption Song / Playing For Change
The "Original" Constitution of the United States
Article 1, Section 8
The Congress shall have Power
- To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
- To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
- To provide and maintain a Navy;
- To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
- To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
The New World Order Constitution of Treason
Article 1, Section 8
New World Order Bankers shall have Power
- To eliminate by murder all elected Presidents, Congress and Federal elected officials together with families that refuse to obey their orders.
- To declare War on all countries of all worlds.
- To exterminate all men, women, and children of all worlds with a net worth less than one hundred million current U.S. dollars.
- To Raise and support Armies till two thirds of the population of the world has been murdered or till such time as New World Order Bankers deem enslavement of mankind most feasible.
- To establish a New World Order Army to murder and eliminate prior Armies that have completed their missions of murder.
- To dissolve all remaining America within the power and controls of those associated with New World Order. Skeetron
Taps Buglers at Arlington National Cemetary
Thanks and Love Skeetron.
We are all from one people. One Love.