Dear America,
Friday, November 22, 1963
I was seven years old walking home from school as I noticed what seemed to be all of America crying. When I got home my mother was crying. I asked, "Why are you crying mom?". She responded, "They killed our president John F. Kennedy". I asked, "Who killed him?". Mom replied, "I don't know! They murdered him in cold blood! Right on T.V.".
Today, almost fifty years later, I finally know who "They" were that murdered our president.
The Federal Reserve Bankers murdered JFK. No question. This was the beginning of their current solution to destroy America. The Federal Reserve Bankers are leading members of the global criminal organization known as New World Order. This organization plans to control all governments and all people of all worlds through financial and political manipulation and deceit. They plan on exterminating God's greatness in humanities of all worlds for profit and control.
The New World Order is a group of sick demented individuals numbering approximately one thousand controlling 90% of the wealth of the world. The wealth of their top member, the Rothchild of England could feed, cloth, and house every man, woman, and child on the planet. They along with the bankers of the Federal Reserve ordered the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The hit was through their associates in organized crime. The cover up was conducted through their treasonous federal associates in the Warren Commission. President John F. Kennedy was murdered to maintain the profits of the Federal Reserve bankers and the New World Order control of global money supplies.
Executive Order 11110.
JFK, Executive Order 11110 and the Warren Commission
The New World Order's previous attempt to control the world murdered over 72 million people worldwide and failed when America entered World World 2. They did however profit from financing arm sales to all sides.
New World Order vs the USA - WW1/WW2
The New World Order Bankers learned and realized America could not be defeated in a frontal attack. They began their current "Defeat from Within" campaign in the 1960's with the murder of JFK. Thereafter corruption, manipulation, and control of federal systems and officials of America became their weapon of choice.
Today, their fifty year result is a treasonous federal government owned and under New World Order control. Yes, America has been sold to the Globalist Bankers. "We the people" of America are now financial property of Rothschild of England and their New World Order associates. Fifty years is a long time to sleep with your eyes open seeing nothing as I did.
Awake and Kick Ass or Die America!
See Agenda 21
Love Skeetron.
Ted Gunderson - 9/11 Truth, JFK, Paedophia 5of 7
Dear World,
Stand with America and together we shall send these sick demented New World Order criminals back down the asshole of hell they came. As we stand together with God we shall observe one destroy the other that they exist no more. Love Skeetron.
President John F Kennedy Secrete Society Speech version 2
Dear God,
How bout a little help saving your world? Thanks! See You Soon.
Love Skeetron.
Dreams of Kirlin / Baaba Maal / Playing for Change