Google Skeetron Liberty: Dear Russia - Dear China - Dear Middle East, I Love You. Love Skeetron

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dear Russia - Dear China - Dear Middle East, I Love You. Love Skeetron

Dear World,
I Skeetron, a sovereign American declare you friend. I do not wish to hurt or murder your children as my treasonous United States government does. I wish to be one with your family as you are one with mine. I wish to be one with your greatness as our greatness becomes one.

Please do not murder my children as my children are your children and our children. Do not allow the globalist bankers controlling the now traitorous United States government to manipulate the souls of our children as they have manipulated the souls of the world.

Do not allow my insane Congress and my deranged President to start a war between our friendship. Do not allow Hilary and Obama to murder your babies that you shall murder mine.

Please do not hate America for the actions of my Federal government. They no longer represent the truth of America. The now criminal United States government is the enemy of our God. They are the enemy of all humanities of all worlds. Congress and the Presidency are the "Commanders of the Lie" of the New World Order. They desire to destroy your world and mine.

"We the people" of America are also under attack by the same criminal enemy that attacks you. Please do not target the innocent of America for the crimes of the treasonous. Please do not engage in combat our children in uniform for the profits of the sickness of this world.

Our children know not what they do. 
Love Skeetron.

The Lord is our Shepard; We shall not want.
He maketh us to lie down thy armies:
He leadeth us to freedom.
He restoreth our souls:
He leadeth us down the path of love and friendship for His name' sake.
Though as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
We will fear not the evils of the Treasonous Federal United States government: For thou art with thee:
Thy friends of thy God and Thee God, they comfort us
Thou preparest a new life before us in the presence of our enemy;
Thou annointest our friendship with love; Our worlds runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives,
and we will dwell in the House of the Lord of One Love forever.

Love Skeetron.