Dear Armed Forces of the World,
Your enemy is not your brother. Your enemy is not your sister. Your enemy is the enemy of your brother and sister. Your enemy is the enemy of our children. I am your family. You are mine. My children are yours and your children are ours as all children are God's children. Do not murder your brother for a lie. Do not kill your sister for the profits of the lie. Please do not obey "The Lie" of treasonous leaders for the profit of criminal bankers.The only enemy is "The Lie" and those responsible for "The Lie".
New World Order is "The Lie".
New World Order - Genocide By Design 1 of 2
Dear God,
Thou father thou mother unite all goodness of all thou religions. Ignite thou light of thou children thou flame one love. Burn bright thee souls of thee evil that evil be burnt to thou light. Cast once more thee evil from thou heaven on earth. Leadith and command us thou souls. Guideith and unite thou spirit. One world. One Love. Love Skeetron.
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I, Skeetron as Commander and Chief of All Armed Forces Around the World
Call on all military forces of all countries of all worlds of God's One Love to defend the murder of our babies. I call on God's Angels to stand at your side as together we shall rid the world of these parasites known as New World Order. I call on all religions and all families of God to unite and kick the ass of all evil governments and sick demented bankers around the world. Obey no NATO orders and together destroy the United Nations and all associate branches of this criminal organization. Seize all holdings of the World Bank, IMF, and Federal Reserve Bankers. Return this wealth to the people. Arrest and charge all treasonous government officials with "War Crime" against humanity. Arrest and charge all members of The New World Order with "Murder for Profit". Establish a global justice system of "We the people" of all countries of all worlds. Then return home and have a good life.
1) Disobey any order treasonous to God.
2) Destroy "The Lie" of the New World Order.
3) Stop the murder of God's children.
4) Dismantle and destroy any and all weapons of death.
5) Place a "Stop Kill Order" on any and all military action.
6) Return home and kiss your mama and love ones.
7) Love your neighbor and your neighbors country.
8) Rebuild the goodness of our world.
9) Celebrate life.
10) Join God's One Love.
Membership fee: A smile and a hand shake.
Thank you for your service.
Give Me Back Liberty or Give Me Death.
Love Skeetron.
Ron Paul 2012: Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
A slender acquaintance with the world must convince every man that actions, not words, are the true criterion of the attachment of friends.
George Washington
Power always thinks... that it is doing God's service when it is violating all his laws.
John Adams
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
Thomas Jefferson
Ron Paul Amazing "What If?" Speech
The constitution vests the power of declaring war in Congress; therefore no offensive expedition of importance can be undertaken until after they shall have deliberated upon the subject and authorized such a measure.
George Washington
Gimme Shelter / Playing for Change
If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
George Washington